etiquette for dating a family member's ex

Is it ever ok to date a cousin's ex-wife? they divorced nearly 20yrs ago. They both have moved on. She had been in a serious relationship for approx. 8 yrs after they're divorce. She found me resently on facebook. It was great to hear from her and shortly after, we both realized that there could possibly be something more than just "catching up". We've planned to get together, but haven't up until this point. (live in different states) what to do???

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No Issue
by: Ms P Etiquette

Frankly, I do not see the dilemma in this situation. Your cousin has been divorced a long time with no difficult family feuding so there does not seem to be a problem. Now if you wanted to date your cousin, we may have something to talk about!

You are two consenting adults, not currently in relationships of your own. Perhaps the two of you can discuss whether or not other family members should be told that you are seeing each other. But practical etiquette does not require you to do so.

Have fun!
Ms Practical Etiquette

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