Never received a thank you for a gift, now asked to give another gift

by Amy
( Colorado, USA)

We gave our friend's daughter money for a school trip she took several years ago. We never received any acknowledgment or thank you for the money. We have now been invited to the daughter's graduation and party. I have a "rule" that if we don't receive a thank you for a gift, we no longer give that person any more gifts. Am I being too harsh? I was brought up by my parents to write thank you notes for any gift I was given. The graduation party is this Sunday. What should we do? I'm pretty adamant that she not receive any more gifts from us.

Thank you.

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Thank you's and next event
by: Ms P Etiquette

Hello Amy,

If you have a rule regarding this situation, then honor it. I am afraid that it is not as usual to receive thank you notes from children or adults these days. It is appalling but true.

You need to do what is right for you.

Ms. Practical Etiquette

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