Babies without daddies

by Bunny
(Tacoma, WA)

After many years searching for a partner, I find myself in a position where I need to have a child (without the man), or give up. So I'm considering insemination with an anonymous donor, but I don't know what to say to people at work (and elsewhere) who will inevitably ask who the daddy is. What do I say (other than a response that involves a reference to beeswax)?

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A response ...
by: Ms P Etiquette


First, you are very courageous to pursue your dream alone and I wish you success making this important decision.

Asking a personal question on any topic is intrusive. Who you allow to ask and receive an answer is your decision. If your co-workers are not members of your close circle of friends a response from you is optional. In order for you to be comfortable you could create a stock answer to questions regarding the parentage of the child. Perhaps you could respond with, "thank you for your interest, but we are keeping the father and the gender of the baby a secret for now." OK that may be a little flip, but it could work in a pinch. Sometimes humor helps. Or just smile and move on. Or say you are keeping his name anonymous. Or respond with a simple "Oh my" and smile. Anyway, I think you get the idea. You can say anything you wish as long as you are not rude or sarcastic. Anyone asking intimate questions should not expect an answer.

Good luck,

Ms Practical Etiquette

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