Fathers Day

by Matthew Sain

I have debated this for a long time and am curious what is the proper answer. My father always considers himself as the king default when it comes to respect. All hail king Dad! So in a conversation about fathers day he gets upset when I tell him that I had plans for fathers day with my daughters. It is my assumption that once you became a father and them a grandparent it should be your day not grandparents day. If not then I guess I get to wait till he is gone to actually get Fathers day and not default to me during the time I am actually a father with my kids living at home. Thoughts?

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by: Ms P Etiquette

Hello Matthew,

What an interesting and perplexing situation! I've read your question over very carefully and can only find one solution. Father's Day is meant for fathers. Grandfathers are always welcome too, however, not to the exclusion of celebrating a father/child relationship.

Please give your daughters the opportunity to honor their own father. You and your father will have to work this out, of course, but he is not the Head Dad! He is one father in the family, but is not your children's father.

Happy Father's Day, Matthew!

Ms Practical Etiquette

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