Signing the card for gifts to my boyfriend's daughter

by Emma


I was wondering what the etiquette would be to sign my name on the gifts that my boyfriend and I are sending his daughter?
He has been divorced for 4 years now, I have not met the daughter or the Ex-wife as they live in another state (she is not the nicest person to associate with either), and he and I have only been together for 8 months. I'm just not sure what the appropriate thing to do here is and I don't want to upset the Ex-wife. I feel like I am over thinking this and if I got her something I should just sign my name. Any insight is appreciated.


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Card Signing
by: Ms P Etiquette


I suggest you not sign the cards with your boyfriend. Since you have not met the child, you are clearly not a part of the extended family so doing so would be a social faux pas. I hope this helps.

Ms. Practical Etiquette

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