Train Etiquette

Train etiquette makes the trip even more enjoyable. Traveling by train is a great option. It is affordable and offers the advantage of seeing all the scenery without having to pay attention to the road. Some destinations offer special cars with beds and the trip becomes a real adventure.

Here are some etiquette guidelines to follow:

1) Unless you have a specific seat reserved for your trip, usually you can take any available train seat. However, it is a big act of rudeness to place your bags and jackets on the seat next to you just to avoid other person takes it.

2) When you use the lavatory, don’t let the towels all over the place. Toss them in the appropriate receptacles and leave the train etiquette, travel etiquette, business etiquette tips, polite manners, proper mannerslavatory the way you would like to find it.

3) If you must use your cell phone, go to the rear of the train car to have your conversation.

4) Don’t eat smelly and/or messy food at your seat. Don’t leave the trash all over the place: clean up after yourself.

5) If you smoke, do it in an open area at the train station, where the breeze takes the smoke away from you and keeps your clothes from smelling of smoke.

6) If you are having a meal at a dining area in the train, keep in mind that other passengers also will need a place to have their meals. Use only the space you need and only for the time you need to finish your meal.

7) Keep to the right while walking through the aisles, so passengers coming from the other direction can continue walking with no problems.

8) If you are traveling with children, keep them under control. Don’t let them bother other passengers, especially if your kids start screaming or running around. The way your children behave speaks a lot about you as a parent.

9) If you use headphones, keep the volume low. The sound coming from the headphones is very annoying.

10) Be polite with all passengers, especially with the ones who try to have a conversation with you.

Traveling by train is an amazing experience. The scenery is beautiful and very relaxing. Etiquette details make this experience even more pleasant for you and for the rest of the passengers.

train etiquette, travel etiquette, business etiquette tips, polite manners, proper manners

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