wedding gift for parents of the groom ??

by Lynn
(Farmingville, NY USA)


I'm friends with a couple who's son is getting married this weekend. I only met their son once or twice and I never met his future wife. I'm not invited to the wedding. Since my friends (parents of the groom) have given my son birthday and Christmas gifts since his birth two and a half years ago, I'm wondering if I should give a wedding gift to them, their son and daughter-in-law, or both... and if so, what type of gift would be appropriate?


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Gift Giving
by: Ms P Etiquette

Dear Lynn~

My question to you is what do you want to do? Gifts are not quid pro quo. When your friends gave gifts to your toddler they were not hoping you would remember their son when he married.
If it is his parents with whom you have the bond, you may give them a small token gift to mark this passage in their lives if you wish. This is not required. You can send a card to the bride and groom which is very appropriate.

As to the type of gift itself, I have no opinion except to say it should not be expensive, only thoughtful. I am sure you will think of something. Also, please remember that no gift is required. A personal card/note to the parents would also be very appropriate and well received.

Thank you for your question,
Ms Practical Etiquette

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